Empty Nest Syndrome - Empty Nest Syndrome: A Harsh Reality – Denial or Acceptance? Are Old Age Homes Stigmatized in Kashmiri Society? Let’s Reframe Them as ‘Happy Homes for Dignified and Healthier Living'” AUTHOR; Dr. Fiaz Maqbool Fazili Empty Nest Syndrome, a term often used to describe the profound sense of loss and loneliness...
Mobile Addiction, 27 January 2025 cover story - Mobile Addiction News Kashmir Analysis Mobile addiction is badly impacting our children, youth and elder generation. The long hours of Mobile addiction is hitting our health hard . In Kashmir too Mobile addiction has become a evil. Recently, in a big development, The Amar Singh Club in Srinagar organised an...
Cutting Sugar , editorial 27 January 2025 issue - Cutting Sugar Sugar is tasty but we need to use it minimum to maintain good health. The alarming rise in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease has brought the spotlight on the need to reduce sugar consumption. Sugar, in its various forms, has become an integral part...
Dr Fiaz Maqbool Fazili on challenges of single mothers , - My Pain is my Pain! Challenges of Single Mother’s. Struggles of Single Moms in the Traditional Conservative Society of Kashmir. Author: Dr. Fiaz Maqbool Fazili The status of a single mother is not one that any woman would voluntarily and happily choose for herself in a traditional conservative society like...
The Rising Tide of Materialism in Kashmir, cover story 20 January 2025 - The Rising Tide of Materialism in Kashmir: A Looming Concern News Kashmir Analysis Materialism, a philosophical ideology that prioritizes the pursuit of wealth and possessions, has become a pervasive force in modern society. In Kashmir, once renowned for its rich Sufi heritage and non-materialistic culture, the allure of materialism has...
Mobile Addiction News Kashmir Analysis Mobile addiction is badly impacting our children, youth and elder generation. The long hours of Mobile addiction is...
The Rising Tide of Materialism in Kashmir: A Looming Concern News Kashmir Analysis Materialism, a philosophical ideology that prioritizes the pursuit of wealth...
Cutting Sugar Sugar is tasty but we need to use it minimum to maintain good health. The alarming rise in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease has brought the spotlight on the need to ...
National Girl Child Day Girl child is very special gift from God. January 24th is celebrated as National Girl Child Day in India, a day dedicated to promoting girls’ rights, education, and empowerment. Th...
Preserving Water Resources: An issue of Utmost Importance Water is the foundation of life, and preserving this precious resource is crucial for the survival of our planet. Kashmir is among regions with rich wat...
Impressive remittances of India At $129 billion, India’s remittances alone is nearly as much as the annual budgets of Pakistan ($67 billion) and Bangladesh ($68 billion) combined. It is also nearly double...
World Computer Literacy Day Computer Literacy: A Key to Unlocking Opportunities in the Digital Age has ushered nothing short of digital revolution in world and made it a global village in true sense. In today&#...
Empty Nest Syndrome: A Harsh Reality – Denial or Acceptance? Are Old Age Homes Stigmatized in Kashmiri Society? Let’s Reframe Them as ‘Happy Homes for Dignified and Healthier Living'” AU...
Mobile Addiction News Kashmir Analysis Mobile addiction is badly impacting our children, youth and elder generation. The long hours of Mobile addiction is hitting our health hard . In Kashmir too Mobile addicti...
Cutting Sugar Sugar is tasty but we need to use it minimum to maintain good health. The alarming rise in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease has brought the spotlight on the need to ...
My Pain is my Pain! Challenges of Single Mother’s. Struggles of Single Moms in the Traditional Conservative Society of Kashmir. Author: Dr. Fiaz Maqbool Fazili The status of a single mother is not one that an...
The Rising Tide of Materialism in Kashmir: A Looming Concern News Kashmir Analysis Materialism, a philosophical ideology that prioritizes the pursuit of wealth and possessions, has become a pervasive force in m...
Empty Nest Syndrome: A Harsh Reality – Denial or Acceptance? Are Old Age Homes Stigmatized in Kashmiri Society? Let’s Reframe Them as ‘Happy Homes for Dignified and Healthier Living'” AUTHOR; Dr. ...
Mobile Addiction News Kashmir Analysis Mobile addiction is badly impacting our children, youth and elder generation. The long hours of Mobile addiction is hitting our health hard . In Kashmir too Mobile addiction has bec...
Cutting Sugar Sugar is tasty but we need to use it minimum to maintain good health. The alarming rise in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease has brought the spotlight on the need to reduce sug...
My Pain is my Pain! Challenges of Single Mother’s. Struggles of Single Moms in the Traditional Conservative Society of Kashmir. Author: Dr. Fiaz Maqbool Fazili The status of a single mother is not one that any woman wo...
The Rising Tide of Materialism in Kashmir: A Looming Concern News Kashmir Analysis Materialism, a philosophical ideology that prioritizes the pursuit of wealth and possessions, has become a pervasive force in modern soci...
National Girl Child Day Girl child is very special gift from God. January 24th is celebrated as National Girl Child Day in India, a day dedicated to promoting girls’ rights, education, and empowerment. This observa...
Importance of book reading With the advent of Internet and technology the book reading habits among the youth have dwindled to large extent, the parts like Kashmir are worst hit as youth are here often glued to cellpho...
Bread Price Rise Concern in Kashmir By Rameez Makhdoomi Globally , the importance of bread is known especially as an important part of staple diet because of Utmost vitality as part of breakfast and in some regions eve...
The Reservation Debate in Jammu and Kashmir: Striking a Balance Between Equity and Merit! Ramiz Bhat ramizspeaks77@gmail.com The reservation policy in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) has become a deep...
Preserving Water Resources: An issue of Utmost Importance Water is the foundation of life, and preserving this precious resource is crucial for the survival of our planet. Kashmir is among regions with rich water resourc...
Mobile Addiction News Kashmir Analysis Mobile addiction is badly impacting our children, youth and elder generation. The long hours of Mobile addiction is...
The Rising Tide of Materialism in Kashmir: A Looming Concern News Kashmir Analysis Materialism, a philosophical ideology that prioritizes the pursuit of wealth...