Declining Wild Life

Wild life is a very notable ingredient of our ecology and our ecological balance   depends upon a healthy and varied wild life. We cannot in any manner chip away at the significance of wild life. When Compared to plants, animals although make up only a small part of the total mass of living matter on earth. Despite this, they play a important part in shaping and maintaining our natural environments


Many environments are directly influenced by the way animals live. Grasslands, for example, exist partly because grasses and grazing animals have evolved a close partnership, which prevents other plants from taking hold. Tropical forests also owe their existence to animals, because a large amount of their trees rely on animals to distribute their pollen and seeds. Soil is partly the result of animal activity, because earthworms and other invertebrates help to break down dead remains and recycle the nutrients that they contain. Without its animal life, the soil would soon become compacted and infertile.


But as a matter of great distress, the world’s wild life has declined to one third over the last 40 years. Pertinently, the massive plummet in wild life was figured in the  edition of land mark research conducted by WWF some years back.



Pertinently, The estimated losses of wildlife cross 50 percent in the tropics while in tropical freshwater ecosystems alone the average loss is as big as 70 percent as per the 2012 edition of the Living Planet Report. In a hurting note, it is learnt that the freshwater dolphin from China’s Yangtze River seems to have become extinct now and the wild tigers face 70 percent decline in their population.

Even in our beautiful valley of Kashmir we are witness to great loss in terms of wildlife on account of havoc caused to their natural habitats. If we continue to lose wildlife at this pace our natural environment is slated to face more catastrophic dimensions.