The day we should never forget!

By Javeed Ali


Undoubtedly, there is no day as beautiful as the day of the birth anniversary of the impeccable and ideal personality in the whole Universe. The day which illuminated the whole World.  The day which annihilated the foundations of ignorance. The day humanity regained its humanism. The day oppressed and persecuted found their saviour. The day female folk who were being buried alive found hope of survival. The day unjust and tyrant rulers were challenged. The day life got its meaning. The day all the creatures of the universe were rejoicing and merry-making.  The day Allah Almighty gifted His best creation to humanity.

Yes, undoubtedly, it’s the day whole humanity should remember and celebrate. Allah Almighty says in Surah Yunus, Surah No. 10, Verse No. 58:

“In the grace of Allah and His mercy, in that they should rejoice; it is better than (the wealth) that they gather”

In this verse, Allah Almighty says that we should be happy when we receive blessings and mercy from Him.  Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) is celebrated to express our happiness and blessedness on the day of arrival of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) on this earth.

Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran:

“And remind them of the days of the Allah.” (Surah Ibrahim, Surah No. 14, Verse No. 05)
“And remember when your lord proclaimed, if you will be grateful then I shall give you more and if you are thankless then my treatment is severe.” (Surah Ibrahim, Surah No. 14 and Verse 07)
“Then remember the bounties of Allah and wander not in the earth spreading mischief.” (Surah Al- A’raf, Surah No. 07, Verse 74)
It is quite evident from the above verses of Quran that we should remember and express our gratitude for the bounties which Allah Almighty has bestowed upon us. The greatest of all blessings for whole humankind is the arrival of Rahmatal-lil’Aalameen (SAW) on this earth as revealed in following Quranic verses.

“O Mohammad, We have not sent you but as a blessing for all the worlds.” (Sura Al Ambiyaa, Surah No. 21, Verse No. 107)
Certainly did Allah confer [great] favour upon the believers when He sent among them a Messenger from themselves, reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest error.   (Sura Ale Imran, Surah No. 03, Verse No. 164)
“Truly you are of a magnificent character” (Surah Al-Qalam, Surah No. 68, Verse No. 04)

Indubitably, the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) is the greatest mercy and blessing of Allah Almighty and Allah says in Quran:  “And publicize well the favour of your lord”  (Sura Al Duha, Surah No. 93,  Verse No. 11).

Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) is a way to aware world about the greatest personality of all times and also sends out the message that Islam is the religion of peace and amity.  Moreover, salutations are sent to Prophet Mohammad (SAW) as is commanded in Holy Quran.
“Indeed Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O believers, call for Allah’s blessings on him and salute him with all respect.”   (Surah Al Ahzab, Surah No. 33, Verse No. 56)
Some people argue that the way Eid Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) is celebrated, it goes against the tenets of Islam. Yes, we agree if any act which is being performed during the celebration of birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) goes against the teachings of Holy Prophet and Quran then same should be strictly avoided like mixing of opposite genders, improper Hejab (veil), indiscipline, hindrance in traffic flow, unnecessary use of PA System (Public Address System), abominable activities and so on.

Allah asks the Prophet, Peace be upon him, to remind his Nation that it is essential for those who claim to love Allah, to love His Prophet: “Say to them: If you love Allah, follow (and love and honour) me, and Allah will love you” (Suran Aale-e-‘Imran, Surah No. 03, Verse No. 31).

The above verse quite emphatically says that if we claim to love Allah then we should love Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and follow Him by letter & spirit. We cannot get away from our religious and moral obligations by merely celebrating the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (SAW). It should make us more pious and religious. It should make us morally perfect and it should revive our ethics and religious ethos.

Holy Quran stresses on the importance of unity and peaceful co-existence. “And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not divided” (Surah Aali’Imran, Surah No. 03, Verse No. 103).

Religious gatherings like Hajj pilgrimage, Arba’een (the fortieth day of martyrdom of Karbala martyrs) and Milad procession serves as an important platform to forge unity among the Muslim Ummah. People from different places and sects get together and it greatly helps to sort out mutual issues and confront the common enemies of Islam and humanity.

Imam Khomeini (R.A) had declared the week between 9th and 17th Rabi al-Awwal as “Haft-i-Wahdat” meaning “the week of unity amongst Muslims.” Muslims all over the world are urged to get together and celebrate (Eid-E-Milad un Nabi) the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for the whole week. Sunnis and Shias are two arms (Bazoo) of the Islam, Imam Khomeini (R.A.) has said.

Celebrating the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) is one of the ways to express our love and gratitude to our beloved Prophet (PBUH) so as to attain perfection in our faith but its not enough until and unless we follow and obey Prophet Mohammad (SAW) in every sphere of our life in its true spirit . If we claim that we love Prophet Mohammad (SAW) more than our lives then we should always make sure that we never indulge in any act which should be the cause of disappointment to Allah Almighty and Prophet Mohammad (SAW) then only these religious gatherings, congregations and parades will serve their purpose.

May we live and die as the true followers of Prophet Mohammad (SAW). Ameen

-The author is a freelance writer and can be reached at