Wooden constructions still standing tall in Tulail Gurez
Rameez Makhdoomi
Located at distance of 165 kilometers from Srinagar and 40 kilometers from Gurez , the Tulail Valley in Gurez is one of the remotest area in Jammu and Kashmir region bordering areas under control of Pakistan.
The wooden architecture and style of construction is still standing tall all across the Tulail area in Gurez, the area is known for one of the toughest terrains in Kashmir.
HEAVY SNOWFALL is among the permanent features of the Tulail area often. The residents believe that considering the natural conditions of the area and also the poor local economy wood is best suited .
Haji Munawar Hussain, an elderly voice states that it is the wooden houses that stand firm against the snowfall , and due to good availability of wood locally it the cheap medium of construction . He adds that wood gives much heat as opposed to the concrete construction.
Tulail despite being a remote and poor area meets the eye catching demand of quality wooden houses. Throughout the world experts opine that
Wood delivers on innovative design, speed, cost and resource efficiency, health & wellbeing, and offers a low-carbon, environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional building materials.
Traditional wooden houses give especially the old Tulail areas look of wooden villages full of beauty and mystery .